Thursday, September 16, 2021

What i have been doing for the past 8 days😅😅 (part 1)

Hey guys William here (such a random thing to say?).

what i had been doing in the past 8 days is that i have been gaming a lot like A LOT i think.. and been talking to my friends in a google meet NOT in my school account just in my home account.
What kind of games kind of games you say 🤨🤨🤨🤨 well like everyone knows roblox. Also i have been doing real things then work hope my teacher isn't angry.

If you want to be my friend in roblox or follow heres my user name: dino_gamertrooper

also this is an shoutout to bradley for being a GREAT commenter and the first one to comment to my 1st blog. I hope he see's this

(ik weird username i get it -_-) 


  1. Hi William!

    Welcome back to your blog! Haha I’m glad you took some time to update everyone about what you have been up to.

    I like how your entry has a personal tone to it, like you’re actually talking to the reader. Do you think next time you can remember your capital letters.. you are an important person, so always give yourself a capital I!

    Remember to give up another update about how you’re going!

    1. thanks for the feedback Marleen i really appreciate it😁.Also thanks for reminding me 😅😅

  2. Kia ora William,

    I am super happy to see you starting to blog again! I've been hearing about Roblox a lot. I wonder if you can give us tutorial and some tips and tricks on it?

    I liked reading your blog posts because you have a personal voice. It made it more interesting. Marleen has some great tips to make your blog posts great!

    Looking forward to future blog posts,
    Miss Laxa

  3. Hi miss laxa also Thanks miss laxa for your awesome feedback and i will update what is roblox.

  4. Hi William,
    aren't you supposed to post every day? I have. I get your your username because you love dinosaurs.
    From Noah!

    1. hi Noah well maybe but idk im just to lazy also thanks for understanding my username :)
